Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17th, 2020

FRIDAY is a half Day!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me by emails at: 

This is a video to best explain the crisis we are in to your children. 

Monthly Focus: Change 

Weekly Focus: How things change?

Question for the Week:
What does it mean to change?

Weekly Foundational Read-Aloud:

Questions to ask your child in response to the read-aloud:
  1. How did elephant feel at the beginning of the book? How did he feel at the end?
  2. When elephant and the other animals were grumpy, what made them feel better?
  3. When you are grumpy, what are some things that make you feel better?

Sing along song for children 

Suggested Text 

  1. What happened to the note the girl wrote for her friend?
  2. What did the turtle do with the note? What about the squirrel? What about the mouse?
  3. The animals did many different things with the note. Which one do you like best? Why?

Reflect on different things around us that grow? ask questions and speak about different things that grow: animals, children, plants 

Suggested questions during activity
  1. What does growth mean?  
  2. what are things that grow? How do you know?

Learn at Home activity for the week:
Monday- Friday

Other Useful Resources

Scholastic Learn at Home - The website offers multiple days of content including read-aloud, movement activities, STEM activities, drawing activities, building activities, etc. 

I will be calling parents twice a week to check in.  If you would like to share any resources with other families, please let me know and I will add it to the blog!

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