Sunday, October 17, 2021

Week of October 18th



  • Please return all forms, completed
  • Please make sure your child has two extra change of clothes, including underwear, tops bottoms and socks. 

Exploration One

Exploration 1: Our Community  

Essential Question: What is our community?

Focus Area: Self

Weekly Focus: Our Feelings

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:

Children will be exploring how to identify their feelings 


Standard Addressed:

Goal P-ATL.1 Child manages emotions with increasing independence. 


Foundational Text for the Week:

Hands Say Love 

by George Shannong and Taeeun Yoo

Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:

  • In this book, what are some of the ways people used their hands?
  • In this book people used their hands to help other people. What are some things you can do with your hands to help other people?
  • We can use our hands to show people we love them. What are some other ways we can show people we love them?


Learning Centers Available for the Theme:

Blocks- Children are encouraged to use explore the block center. They will be shown a few unit blocks, shown where they can be found in the classroom, and shown how to match them to their outline in order to clean up.


Dramatic Play- Children are invited to explore the dramatic play area and use the props provided. Dramatic Play will be set up as a kitchen.  Teacher will introduce basic materials, how to use them, and how to put them away.


Art- Children are invited to explore the art area. They will be shown a paint container, brush and paper. Teacher will model how to dip brush in paint and paint a few brushstrokes on paper. Students will be shown where materials can be found in the classroom and what they should do when they finish painting.


Science- Children will be shown a few items from a collection of natural objects. Teacher will model how students can begin to explore some of the materials. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom and how to put them away when finished.


Math- Children will be shown a couple of puzzles. Teacher will model how to take apart and how to put a few pieces together. Students will be shown where puzzles can be found and how to put them away.


Library- Students are able to explore books from the classroom library.


Writing- Students are invited to explore the materials provided in the writing center. They are encouraged to explore their name cards.  


Sensory- Students will be shown a small amount of sand and a few toys. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom.


If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at or email Mrs. Zogka at 


If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175

Please click here to view lesson plan 

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