Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week of November 9 - 13

  Morning Zoom Meeting at 8:30am everyday 


School closed Wednesday for Veterans Day!

Early Dismissal is not permitted for children who have doctor appointments. If your child has a doctors appointment he/she is to attend virtually for the day. 

November 13th, 12:00 noon early dismissal for virtual parent teacher conferences. 

 Exploration One 

Exploration 1: Our Community 

Essential Question: What is our community?

Focus Area: Us

Weekly Focus: Our Class 

  • Helping children get to know each other.
  • Helping children connect and develop the ability to engage with each other 
  • exploring the interest of their piers 

Play With Me! by Michelle Lee

Art: please have your child draw a friend and draw all the toys he/she would like to play with. After ask your child questions: 
    What is your friends name?
Why did you pick this friend?
What are some games or toy, you and your friend can play?

Workbook: pages 38-39


Play With Me! by Michelle Lee

My Friends by Taro Gomi

Whenever children say, ‘let’s pretend,’ a new landscape of possibilities for learning is revealed. When children pretend, they try on new feelings, roles and ideas. They stretch their minds along with their imaginations.”

Curtis and Carter

Dramatic play: Allow children to play with their toys. 
As they play you ask them questions:


You are ________ and _________ is _________.

You are _________. I remember when we saw _________.

It looks like you are pretending you are a _________. Do you know any ________?

Workbook: page 40

Friday (Half Day)

My Friends by Taro Gomi

Math: learning about circles
On a blank sheet of paper have children practice Drawing circles. 
Explain to them that circle have no sides
they just go around and around.
click here to play: The circle song

Workbook: page 41

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